Research data management
The Research Data Service Centre supports members of the University of Bonn in all aspects of research data management.
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Research and teaching
Duncker & Humblot eLibrary Unlocked under E-Books.NRW Initiative
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Physics and Astronomy
The dedicated Physics and Astronomy web page has details of the subject-specific services offered by the USL.
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Specialist advice
Researching, Teaching, Publishing
Publishing doctoral theses, the bonndoc publication server, Digital Humanities, Open Access Service Center, Research data management
Inter-library loan
Media items, that you cannot find at the University of Bonn, can be ordered through inter-library loan from another library or can be ordered through a ...
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Using the Library
Publishing a habilitation thesis
Information on publishing your habilitation thesis at the University of Bonn
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Research and teaching
Publishing doctoral theses
Publishing copies printed yourself
Instructions, tips and FAQs on publishing a doctoral thesis with copies you have had printed yourself (from a printer's or copy shop)
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Research and teaching
Publishing doctoral theses
Doctoral/Dean's offices
Contact details for all doctoral offices and dean's offices at the University of Bonn
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Research and teaching
Publishing doctoral theses
Publishing a cumulative doctoral thesis
Information, tips and legal notices for publishing a cumulative doctoral thesis or a doctoral thesis with articles included
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Research and teaching
Publishing doctoral theses
Using a publisher
Information and tips for the publication of your doctoral thesis from the University of Bonn with a commercial publisher (as a book via the book trade)
Located in
Research and teaching
Publishing doctoral theses