Publishing a habilitation thesis
Most habilitation theses (postdoctoral theses) are not subject to a publishing obligation, meaning that you will not need to submit printed copies to us or publish your work online on our bonndoc publication server.
However, the Faculty of Medicine does require habilitation theses to be published: in this case, you will have to provide us with two printed copies or publish your work online on bonndoc.
For all other faculties, we are also happy to publish habilitation theses online on bonndoc or accept printed copies on request.
Option a: Publishing online on bonndoc
We can publish your habilitation thesis from the University of Bonn online for free on bonndoc, the University’s publication server.
The procedure is similar to that set out in our guide for publishing doctoral theses online, with the following differences:
- You do not need permission from your faculty.
- If necessary, update the year of publication (i.e. the year you submit it to us) on the title page in your PDF file and add the date of your habilitation on page two.
- When you are registering via our online form (step 3), please select “Habilitation” when you get to “Art d. Hochschulschrift” (“Type of thesis”).
- Please note the relevant points of our information on cumulative doctoral theses if your habilitation thesis includes publications (in journals).
Option b: Copies printed yourself
Get your PDF file(s) ready for printing
- If necessary, update the year of publication (i.e. the year you submit it to us) on the title page in your PDF file and add the date of your habilitation on page two.
- For data protection reasons, we recommend removing your curriculum vitae if one is included (however, you are welcome to leave in a list of your academic publications that follows your curriculum vitae).
- Please feel free to send your PDF file as a download link (e.g. via sciebo) or email attachment (max. 10 MB) to so that other formal aspects can be checked out. We will give you feedback on your file, allowing you to avoid potential problems with publication before they occur.
Printing of the copies
Requirements for printed copies:
One copy will be able to be borrowed by USL library users and one will be held permanently at the German National Library. Specific requirements therefore apply:
- Permanent binding · high-quality bookbinding glue (e.g. PUR adhesive), thread stitching or impressBIND binding folder.
Not all copy shops can meet these requirements. We would be happy to advise you. - Paperback or hardback cover
- Age-resistant and wood- and acid-free paper
- Printing on both sides · Single-sided printing is only permitted if it is technically necessary for binding (usually for theses with less than 30 pages).
- Format depending on the layout of the thesis · Please discuss the format (DIN A4 or A5) with us before you have the thesis printed. Any necessary adjustment of the format (e.g. downscaling to A5 format) takes place during printing, i.e. you do not have to reformat your file.
- Coloured content in colour · Printing of originally coloured elements (e.g. in figures) in black and white is only permitted if this does not impair comprehensibility.
- Not permitted: spiral binding and stapling as well as plastic film as cover (i.e. a transparent cover).
Submission of the copies
You have the following options to let us have your copies. In the case of the Faculty of Medicine we will send the confirmation of receipt directly to the dean's office after checking the copies (If we have your e-mail address, we will send you a copy).
- By post to the following address (at the sender’s own risk):
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn
Please consider the customs requirements when mailing anything from a non-EU country. Shipments seized by German customs will be returned to sender.
Abteilungsbibliothek MNL
- Hochschulschriftenstelle -
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
53115 Bonn - Handover at the loan desk in the MNL Branch Library: during service hours for borrowing and returning items. You don't need an appointment.
N.B.: The colleagues at the loan desk do not send a confirmation of receipt. This is only done after checking by the dissertations department (three times a week). - Handover at the dissertations department in the MNL Branch Library: If you would like to hand in your copies directly to our office, please make an appointment in advance at Appointments are usually possible on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Final steps
In the case of the Faculty of Medicine you have now fulfilled your publication obligations vis-à-vis the USL.
One printed copy will remain at the USL and be made available for borrowing. The second copy will be sent to the German National Library, where it will be kept permanently.
Your habilitation thesis will be cataloged so that it can be found in the Bonn library catalog bonnus as well as in the catalog of the German National Library.
Dissertations department
We receive all the doctoral theses written at the University of Bonn, publish theses online and help doctoral students through the publication process.
Availability by e-mail and phone: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm.
MNL Branch Library
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
53115 Bonn
2nd floor, room 2.013
On-site appointments only by prior arrangement!