You need a library card in order to use the library. On our pages you will learn about under which conditions you can register in the ULB Bonn and how to ...
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Using the Library
Herzlich willkommen an der Universität Bonn! Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse für die ULB und ihre Angebote. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Informationen, ...
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Information for...
There is a campus license for Citavi. University of Bonn staff and students can download the software for free. Citavi offers benefits with regard to knowledge ...
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Reference management
Writing a term paper or even your thesis and wondering how to keep a handle on all the literature you have consulted, order your work, record your thoughts and ...
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Study spaces, video and working spaces, scanning stations, service PCs and group study pods—the library is a place to study and work that offers you a range of ...
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Using the Library
Studying and working
Study spaces, video and working spaces, scanning stations, service PCs and group study pods—the library is a place to study and work that offers you a range of ...
Located in
Using the Library
Studying and working