13. June 2023

How To: Exporting Favorites from bonnus How To: Exporting Favorites from bonnus

Unfortunately, any lists of favorites that you have saved in bonnus will not be transferred when the search portal is relaunched. You have until August 13, 2023 to export them if you need to.

How To: Exporting Favorites from bonnus
How To: Exporting Favorites from bonnus © colourbox.de
Download all images in original size The impression in connection with the service is free, while the image specified author is mentioned.

The switch to the new Alma library management system and the relaunch of the bonnus search portal will also modify the data on which favorites are based, making it technically impossible to migrate old lists to the new system.

So that you can continue to view your items after the relaunch, you will be able to export your favorites from the current version of bonnus until August 13, 2023 if you need to and save them for your future use. You will not be able to import them into the new system.

On our Alma web pages you will find guidance on how to export favorites.

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